Transform your creative life with our feature-film quality Masterclass Events.

Season 9 enrollment will re-open for limited time soon! Join the Insider list to be notified when enrollment opens.

You deserve to learn from the best.


There's nothing like a Knit Stars Premiere Season!

Whether you're a beginner or you've been knitting for decades, get ready to learn, grow, and connect more than you ever thought possible. Knit Stars takes you inside each Star's home studio, up close and personal, right from your living room.

Each Season brings you 10+ all original documentaries and masterclasses you can watch anytime and own forever.




It all began with a local yarn store.

Nearly two decades ago, while raising 3 kids and running a branding and production business, Shelley Brander started an improbable “side hustle." She opened Loops, a modern yarn store in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Ever since she learned to knit at age 16, Shelley was hooked – but lonely. She longed for like-minded fiber friends looking for softer yarns, modern projects and more authentic connection.

Today, Loops has become Knit Stars, an e-learning, curation and connection company that’s at the forefront of the modern maker movement.

We’d love for you to join our mission to Knit the World Together.™

Flagship Store

YOU are the Star of your knitting journey.

Here’s what Grace had to say…

“I compare Knit Stars to a really good travel guide book which has led me to places I’d never have discovered on my own. And like a guide book, I can refer to it time and time again. 

Each season had a least 2 instructors that made a huge difference to my knitting, and others who tweaked my interest enough to take a deeper dive from other sources…

I’ve taken online classes from some of the big shots. They were a great opportunity to take a class live from some of the big names, but the cheapest was still around $40/class, and it wasn’t recorded. Knit Stars is excellent value.”  

And Cheryl…

“I always find tremendous value in each season. A weekend retreat with 1-2 presenters would easily cost 10x as much as one season of Knit Stars - so it’s an amazing bargain.” 

And Dianne…

“I *KNOW* that my knitting has improved exponentially. I could never afford to take classes at an LYS, where the class schedules rarely fit my schedule and I could not remember from one lesson to the next exactly how to do all that I had paid to learn. 

Knit Stars, especially at the Earlybird pricing, is a far better deal (really comparable price for WAY more than just one class, and I can watch at my leisure any time and many times).”

Our classes are private, just you and your screen and the world’s most intriguing Knit Stars, up close and personal. You own the videos so there’s no time limit. You decide which class to take in what order. Come back and watch them again and again, whenever you feel ready for the next step in your fiber arts journey.

Jeanette S.

East Sussex, England

"It's a beautiful opportunity to learn a lot of different techniques and the fact that you can learn at your own pace and refer back to it when you need to, that's a huge, huge draw because not everybody learns at the same speed."

Debbie L.

Anna, Texas

"Knitstars Masterclass is like sitting with friends who teach you great techniques and new ideas and just inspire you and give you confidence to tackle any project!"

Mary A.

New York, NY

"I feel like I’ve been given a treasure map. I am so inspired, comforted, and grateful for the diversity of the workshops… Each one of the workshops has given me insight into not just how to knit, but why I knit."



Each Knit Stars Season premiere comes with special VIP access and bonuses:

  • Instant VIP access to our positive global community of 15,000+ lifelong learners
  • Each Star’s workshop comes with an exclusive, bonus pattern
  • Live Q+A’s with the Stars wrap-up each Masterclass event
  • Exclusive optional yarns specially developed by each Star with their dyer partner

You've got questions. We've got answers!
