posts / 🧶How to take a compliment


🧶How to take a compliment

My whole life, I’ve struggled with compliments.

Not the giving part (I love love love making others feel good), but the accepting part.

And to get really vulnerable for a minute…I’ve spent a lot of time in therapy over the years trying to understand why.

My therapist has a couple strong theories, going back to childhood. Some rooted in family dynamic. Others rooted in primary school, where I got schoolyard-teased as “Shelley Belly Full of Jelly” (my sister sent me that photo up top last week and it reminded me of those days).

Whatever the reasons, this struggle is one I still wrestle with. Especially this past week, when so many of you have posted such kind comments during our Season 10 SuperEarlybird Sale.

When someone says something really nice – whether in a text, an email or online – my first reaction is to shut down. As in, I will literally put my phone down and walk away.

Has that happened to you?

One way to deal with this is to put on the mask of perfection. Only letting the world see you in your least real form. (Like in this other pic my sis sent me – anyone else remember “Glamour Shots?”)

But I gave up perfection long, long ago, when I realized (as Churchill famously said) perfection is the enemy of progress.

If you’re reading this newsletter, you’re a creative, and that means you’ve likely struggled with compliments.

You may rarely, if ever, wear your handmade pieces in public. If you do, and you get a compliment, you may point out your mistakes.

You may hesitate to post pictures of your finished pieces, or if you do, you may shy away from selfies.

If any of this resonates for you, let me share with you this very short course on accepting compliments.

Step 1: Say simply, “Thank you. That makes me feel really good.”
Step 2: Later in the day, find a moment to remember the compliment and feel the goodness.
Step 3: Print out the compliment, put it in a special place and read it every day for one week.
Step 4: Repeat the compliment to someone else (pay it forward).

So to all of you who have posted such kind words this week about Knit Stars, including the hundreds who have already joined Season X at the SuperEarlybird discount price…

Thank you. That makes me feel really good. 🤗

And if you haven’t yet joined Season X, because maybe you feel you’re somehow not good enough, or not worthy of the investment in yourself, or maybe you were just busy when you saw the announcement and wanted to grab it, let me encourage you to jump in before the discount ends.

Join Season X: Be eXtraordinary at SuperEarlybird pricing here.



This week, I’m writing this before heading to Rhinebeck, where there’s sure to be the best Project Watch eye candy! So I saved this space for a couple of shots of my favorites from “Cakeapalooza,” one of the pre-Rhinebeck Yarnie events put on by Alissa Baptista. Then next week I’ll be back with details on these projects, and a thorough Rhinebeck roundup!



Chalene’s Ginger Girl Mocktail

I’ve been doing Chalene Johnson’s “Walk More, Drink Less” challenge and really enjoying it. The game-changer for me has been this yummy mocktail that has replaced my glass of wine or champagne. I make it in a fancy glass. Don’t skip the Tajin – it makes the drink!


  • 1 part Reeds Zero Sugar Ginger Beer (I found on Amazon, also at Trader Joe’s)
  • 1 part sparkling elderberry apple cider vinegar (I found on Amazon but have also just substituted a shot of plain apple cider vinegar)
  • 1 squeeze of lime (sometimes I add the juice of half a lime too)
  • 1 mini cucumber (optional)
  • Sliced Tajin for glass rim

Start with a tall cute glass and rub the lime around the rim, then roll in tajin. Add the ice, plus a few cucumber and jalapeño slices. Add the ginger beer, sparkling apple cider vinegar, and squeeze of lime juice. Stir lightly, and serve.

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  1. Jane Sussman on October 20, 2024 at 3:17 pm

    Hi Shelley and Knit Stars team,

    I’m in for Season X! Can’t wait to experience it all. You have brought the world together in such a happy, safe place!


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