🧶Catching the Doodle bug

Jamie Lomax took up knitting in 2020 as a COVID hobby. She was working as a senior project manager for a large retail and food service company in Seattle at the time. “We all got sent home, and I was on Teams calls all day every day. I have ADHD so I was struggling to…
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🧶Something new is blooming…

Happy Sunday, beautiful reader! Do you ever have those moments like I do, when you’re scrolling social media, and an image makes you stop and audibly gasp – causing anyone else in your household to run in and see if you’re ok? This past week I had one of those moments, and (after assuring said…
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🧶Sprinkle that stuff on everything…

TW: This week’s newsletter includes sensitive mental health topics. Sending all of our love our beautiful readers, family and friends ❤️.  “I had two options. I could either let it wreck me and disrupt my life, or I could inspire myself and others, share my story, and use it to help raise awareness.” These are the wise words of…
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🧶Back in the saddle

Hello dear reader, How’s it going in your creative world? These past few weeks have been even more whirlwind-y than usual for me, as Knit Stars Season 9 filming has kicked into high gear. I made a commitment to go to all the filmings this year, which means I’m up in the air, upside down,…
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🧶 Gratitude – in any language

Toto, we’re not at the beach house anymore. We’re near the ‘beech house” in Cork, Ireland! I snapped a pic of this charming home with a spectacular garden, just up the road from Knit Stars Season 9 Star Carol Feller’s house in Cork, Ireland. Every Knit Stars Season is a wonderful adventure, and this year…
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🧶Now he’s dancing with his fingers

We talk a lot around here about how yarn can change lives. We’ve seen it in action a million times over, in small ways and bigger ways. But this week’s story…well, this one hits differently. Yarn didn’t just change Thomas Gregory’s life. It saved it. Thomas Gregory (@gregorystitch) came to my awareness last year by…
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🧶Behold, the future of patterns

Are you a sticky notes knitter? A highlighter hooker? Or maybe you’re a washi-tape wonder? 🤩 At various points in my 4 decades as a Yarnie, I’ve been all of the above. As I’ve progressed (and my eyesight has regressed) I find myself using all kinds of tricks to keep my place and track the…
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🧶What’s your big Y?

This week I invite you to ponder a simple question: What’s your Big Y? I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I know that yarn, creativity, and connection are important to me. Some days, it feels more important than food or even air. But WHY? And how does that intersect with other people’s big…
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🧶Join the easiest, breeziest make-along

Tan and Tipsy Top” by Knitting Tipsy Y’all know I’ve always been a fan of summer knitting. First to get through the scorching Oklahoma summers, and in the beachy Florida scene year-round! 🌞 So when I saw that Season 8 Knit Star Chelsea (@knittingtipsy) and Bri (@thelittlewolfknits) were starting up their popular Hot Stitch Makealong…
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🧶A shine challenge for you

The Shift” by Andrea Mowry. I have to confess, I’ve been holding out a little on you. By now you’ve seen that our theme for Knit Stars Season 9 is “Permission to Shine.” What I haven’t shared is the story behind the story of the theme. And this week, when Gabi made this post in…
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🧶An ode to Brad

You know the old Irish blessing, right? “May the road rise up to meet you…” Well when you’re traveling and filming for Knit Stars, sometimes the road does rise up to meet you. Other times, it roars up and rears back like a giant hissing snake and bites you in the butt. And that, my…
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🧶The ultimate eye candy edition

What’s almost as exciting as learning who your Stars will be for an upcoming Knit Stars Season Premiere? (Well okay, maybe even more exciting?) It’s finding out which amazing makers our Stars have chosen to partner with, and the exclusive yarns, kits, and bags (yes I said bags, PLURAL 👜👜💃🏽🎉) that our Earlybird enrollees get…
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🧶Meet your shiny new Stars!

Did you catch it, ? That subtle shift in the energy of the yarn world… …the sun breaking through the clouds… …the stars shining a little more brightly in the sky…? You guessed it! The Stars of our upcoming Knit Stars Premiere Season have announced they’re teaching in Season 9: Permission to Shine! 💫🎉💃🏽🕺🧶 This…
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Stick with us (a gift :-)

I have a confession… I’m a little obsessed with stickers. 🤓 Ever since I saw Gaye “GG” Glasspie posting about how she collects stickers and uses them in her journal each day…I thought, what a fun way to jazz up my planner! And yet somehow, I’ve resisted buying stickers for myself. It may sound silly,…
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🧶A new twist from Joji

I hope you’re having a fabulous week and making some time just for you – to make, to watch Knit Stars videos, or simply to relax. 😌 This week I have a special treat for you. I caught up with Joji Locatelli. ❤️ She and I had been going back and forth, doing some secret…
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🧶Jeanette, beaded colorwork and second chances

They say when opportunity knocks, you should always answer. But what if, right when that knock comes, you get knocked down by a tragedy you never saw coming? That’s what happened to Knit Star Jeanette Sloan right after filming her Beaded Colorwork masterclass for Season 6. I caught up with Jeanette this past week, on…
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🧶 Shelley’s nine notables

This last week I celebrated my 56th trip around the sun. Part of my gift was that my cake had the wrong year…so I’m officially aging backwards! In celebration of the occasion and our upcoming 9th Premiere Season of Knit Stars, I thought it would be fun to share 9 notables with you…nine things I’m…
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🧶 Seamless and fearless

Every one of Åsa Söderman’s personal emails have the same closing… Knit with abandon. If you’ve been lucky enough to take an in-person class with Åsa, you know she exudes this philosophy. Fearlessness. Adventure. Abandon. “When I do workshops I find so many people don’t trust themselves. They often follow the pattern too closely. I…
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🧶Meet the maker: Mitzi

I first met Mitzi when she would come into our second location in South Tulsa, back in 2015. I remember what first struck me most about her was a) her bright smile, b) her cheerful energy, and c) the chip on her shoulder. 😜 You see, today Mitzi is one of the most prolific textile…
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🧶 Your blue ribbon awaits…

Happy first week of March, ! It’s my birthday month and everyone’s been asking what I want. I know this is kind of a mom answer but when I say “nothing” I really mean it. I have my health. Lord knows I have plenty of yarn (hello, S.A.B.L.E.!) And best of all, I am so…
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🧶Catching the Doodle bug

Jamie Lomax took up knitting in 2020 as a COVID hobby. She was working as a senior project manager for a large retail and food service company in Seattle at the time. “We all got sent home, and I was on Teams calls all day every day. I have ADHD so I was struggling to…
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🧶Something new is blooming…

Happy Sunday, beautiful reader! Do you ever have those moments like I do, when you’re scrolling social media, and an image makes you stop and audibly gasp – causing anyone else in your household to run in and see if you’re ok? This past week I had one of those moments, and (after assuring said…
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🧶Sprinkle that stuff on everything…

TW: This week’s newsletter includes sensitive mental health topics. Sending all of our love our beautiful readers, family and friends ❤️.  “I had two options. I could either let it wreck me and disrupt my life, or I could inspire myself and others, share my story, and use it to help raise awareness.” These are the wise words of…
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🧶Back in the saddle

Hello dear reader, How’s it going in your creative world? These past few weeks have been even more whirlwind-y than usual for me, as Knit Stars Season 9 filming has kicked into high gear. I made a commitment to go to all the filmings this year, which means I’m up in the air, upside down,…
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🧶 Gratitude – in any language

Toto, we’re not at the beach house anymore. We’re near the ‘beech house” in Cork, Ireland! I snapped a pic of this charming home with a spectacular garden, just up the road from Knit Stars Season 9 Star Carol Feller’s house in Cork, Ireland. Every Knit Stars Season is a wonderful adventure, and this year…
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🧶Now he’s dancing with his fingers

We talk a lot around here about how yarn can change lives. We’ve seen it in action a million times over, in small ways and bigger ways. But this week’s story…well, this one hits differently. Yarn didn’t just change Thomas Gregory’s life. It saved it. Thomas Gregory (@gregorystitch) came to my awareness last year by…
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🧶Behold, the future of patterns

Are you a sticky notes knitter? A highlighter hooker? Or maybe you’re a washi-tape wonder? 🤩 At various points in my 4 decades as a Yarnie, I’ve been all of the above. As I’ve progressed (and my eyesight has regressed) I find myself using all kinds of tricks to keep my place and track the…
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🧶What’s your big Y?

This week I invite you to ponder a simple question: What’s your Big Y? I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I know that yarn, creativity, and connection are important to me. Some days, it feels more important than food or even air. But WHY? And how does that intersect with other people’s big…
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🧶Join the easiest, breeziest make-along

Tan and Tipsy Top” by Knitting Tipsy Y’all know I’ve always been a fan of summer knitting. First to get through the scorching Oklahoma summers, and in the beachy Florida scene year-round! 🌞 So when I saw that Season 8 Knit Star Chelsea (@knittingtipsy) and Bri (@thelittlewolfknits) were starting up their popular Hot Stitch Makealong…
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🧶A shine challenge for you

The Shift” by Andrea Mowry. I have to confess, I’ve been holding out a little on you. By now you’ve seen that our theme for Knit Stars Season 9 is “Permission to Shine.” What I haven’t shared is the story behind the story of the theme. And this week, when Gabi made this post in…
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🧶An ode to Brad

You know the old Irish blessing, right? “May the road rise up to meet you…” Well when you’re traveling and filming for Knit Stars, sometimes the road does rise up to meet you. Other times, it roars up and rears back like a giant hissing snake and bites you in the butt. And that, my…
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🧶The ultimate eye candy edition

What’s almost as exciting as learning who your Stars will be for an upcoming Knit Stars Season Premiere? (Well okay, maybe even more exciting?) It’s finding out which amazing makers our Stars have chosen to partner with, and the exclusive yarns, kits, and bags (yes I said bags, PLURAL 👜👜💃🏽🎉) that our Earlybird enrollees get…
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🧶Meet your shiny new Stars!

Did you catch it, ? That subtle shift in the energy of the yarn world… …the sun breaking through the clouds… …the stars shining a little more brightly in the sky…? You guessed it! The Stars of our upcoming Knit Stars Premiere Season have announced they’re teaching in Season 9: Permission to Shine! 💫🎉💃🏽🕺🧶 This…
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Stick with us (a gift :-)

I have a confession… I’m a little obsessed with stickers. 🤓 Ever since I saw Gaye “GG” Glasspie posting about how she collects stickers and uses them in her journal each day…I thought, what a fun way to jazz up my planner! And yet somehow, I’ve resisted buying stickers for myself. It may sound silly,…
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🧶A new twist from Joji

I hope you’re having a fabulous week and making some time just for you – to make, to watch Knit Stars videos, or simply to relax. 😌 This week I have a special treat for you. I caught up with Joji Locatelli. ❤️ She and I had been going back and forth, doing some secret…
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🧶Jeanette, beaded colorwork and second chances

They say when opportunity knocks, you should always answer. But what if, right when that knock comes, you get knocked down by a tragedy you never saw coming? That’s what happened to Knit Star Jeanette Sloan right after filming her Beaded Colorwork masterclass for Season 6. I caught up with Jeanette this past week, on…
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🧶 Shelley’s nine notables

This last week I celebrated my 56th trip around the sun. Part of my gift was that my cake had the wrong year…so I’m officially aging backwards! In celebration of the occasion and our upcoming 9th Premiere Season of Knit Stars, I thought it would be fun to share 9 notables with you…nine things I’m…
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🧶 Seamless and fearless

Every one of Åsa Söderman’s personal emails have the same closing… Knit with abandon. If you’ve been lucky enough to take an in-person class with Åsa, you know she exudes this philosophy. Fearlessness. Adventure. Abandon. “When I do workshops I find so many people don’t trust themselves. They often follow the pattern too closely. I…
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🧶Meet the maker: Mitzi

I first met Mitzi when she would come into our second location in South Tulsa, back in 2015. I remember what first struck me most about her was a) her bright smile, b) her cheerful energy, and c) the chip on her shoulder. 😜 You see, today Mitzi is one of the most prolific textile…
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🧶 Your blue ribbon awaits…

Happy first week of March, ! It’s my birthday month and everyone’s been asking what I want. I know this is kind of a mom answer but when I say “nothing” I really mean it. I have my health. Lord knows I have plenty of yarn (hello, S.A.B.L.E.!) And best of all, I am so…
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🧶 Ode to a reluctant model

This week, as we’re scurrying around preparing to reveal our 37th Hot Loops project wall… The “OG” Hot Loops model is graduating from college. Since we opened the doors of our first yarn store in 2005, you’ve watched my youngest, Mallory, grow up. Funny story: Mal has always been a bit of a reluctant model. At…
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🧶 Guess who’s the featured dyer for the spring Hot Loops wall

Hello yarn lovers! Call me smitten. Call me a proud mama. Together, we’ve done it again – we’ve created quite a stir in the yarn world! Hundreds have joined the new Knit Stars Yarniverse since we rolled it out. I love what Ash has to say… “It is so refreshing and humbling to be a part of…
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🧶Shortest newsletter of the year

Hello fellow Yarnie! I hope this week’s newsletter finds you well and ensconced in at least one delicious project. Personally, I must confess I’ve made exactly zero stitches this week. The reason… Last week, Hot Luke and I packed up and moved from South Florida to Northwest Florida, and this week, his boss wants us…
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🧶The BIG reveal…

This past week Instagram has been abuzz as the yet-to-be revealed Knit Stars Masterclass Season 8 Stars dropped cryptic hints on their feeds. Did you catch any of them? It’s been sooo delightfully difficult to keep it all under wraps for the better part of a year – all the hush-hush planning, the squeals of delight, and…
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🧶When you need a baby blanket yesterday…

I can barely stand it… It’s almost time!!! In just a couple of days, the Stars for our upcoming Masterclass Season 8 premiere will start dropping hints on Instagram… And then this Friday April 21 they’ll all announce together on Instagram – and Earlybird signups will begin! We’ve all kept this secret for almost a year, which…
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🎁The gift you gave Louis

Just two years ago, Louis Boria was working full-time in a hospital, repeatedly getting sick with COVID while trying to keep his fledgling knit design business afloat. Sure, he’d had a big break – a broadway star snapped a photo of Louis while he was knitting on a Brooklyn subway, and the photo went viral.…
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🎁 All new, for you

“I just felt flat,” Gin admitted. “All through lockdown, knitting kept me sane. But I hadn’t felt excitement about knitting in a long time. I thought, something has to change. I need some joy in my life.” How about you? Could you use more joy and creativity in your life?  For the past few years,…
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🧶Small changes, big differences

Hi everyone, Sunnie back again for another newsletter takeover 😎! I hope this newsletter finds you well. In last week’s Yarniverse LIVE, I was blown away by our special guest, Season 7 Star Mary Martin, and her story that fueled the development of her innovative Fission and Fusion Knitting techniques. In case you weren’t there, I’ll let…
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🧶I’m not crying you’re crying

    This week y’all have had me in all my feels. My weekend was a little rough. First off, I’m in a hand splint (ruptured ligament in my right pointer finger) and tried knitting on the plane – a definite no-go for the next 6 weeks 😩. Then all my credit cards and license…
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🧶The 30-minute scarf

Nearly a decade ago, we designed a scarf that was so fast and easy, it was almost a cheat. A tiny rectangle with loooooong fringe that could be made in half an hour, start to finish. We called it the Necks Big Thing (I know – it’s ok to groan at the dad joke) and…
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🧶Big week ahead!

    Thank you for a beautiful response to Moving the Needle last week. Your words filled my soul and I am so grateful that people take the time to read this newsletter. It’s always amazing to hear from you!  Although we did receive a little bit of backlash over the fact that the newsletter was exclusively…
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🧶It’s better with friends

    To make Shelley’s version of “The Shift” by Andrea Mowry, you’ll need one skein each of Spincycle Dyed in the Wool “Starstruck,” Spincycle “Wilder” and 2 skeins Sweet 16 “Sea.” Nearly a year ago, I left Tulsa – the town  where (not counting college) I’d lived since birth. The town where I raised…
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🧶We are hooked!

  The pattern is the Edith Dress by Dominique Calvillo and I used a DK weight cotton in the photo above. BUT you could gauge swatch, potentially use a smaller hook, and try our beautiful Plant Based Princess!   Hello Fiber lovers and HAPPY CROCHET MONTH! Sunnie here, and when I heard March was crochet month, I…
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🧶Square needles and running in circles

Catch the replay of this week’s Yarniverse LIVE with Ann + Kay of MDK here Remember when there wasn’t enough knitting content out in the world? This past week we did a really fun Yarniverse LIVE with Ann + Kay of Modern Daily Knitting. And we were musing back 10 years, when we were all so desperate for…
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🧶Wear the dang knits

Photo courtesy of Caitlin Hunter via Ravlery Just the other day, an email from a faithful newsletter reader named Dez dropped into my inbox. She was responding to a recent issue of Moving the Needle titled The sweater you’ll wear 24/7. I’ve excerpted her very thoughtful letter for you here. “Thank you for calling my attention to…
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✨it’s the alpaca-lypse 🦙

Don’t look now but it might be… The Alpaca-lypse! 🦙 In this week’s Yarniverse LIVE!, hosted by Knit Stars Gaye Glasspie (@ggmadeit) and Louis Boria (@brooklynboyknits), there were so many great moments. Louis gave us a sneak peek of his runway look for VK Live… He talked about why he said “yes” to Knit Stars……
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🧶Joji bag dream come true

Somebody please, pinch me. No really… Has this all just been a dream? Did Joji really make a bag just for us? And is it really the style I love the very most, the Santa Cruz with its modern square shape and exposed seams, big enough for a big sweater project plus all my other everyday bag stuff (wallet,…
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🧶5 favorite things

Sometimes in life, you just want to keep things simple. In fact, I believe that the appeal of simplicity is the very thing that brings most of us to knitting to begin with. Taking sticks and string and a simple repetitive motion and creating something beautiful. That’s why we’re all here together, isn’t it? Over…
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🧶The sweater you’ll wear 24/7

“I want to help you make that sweater you’ll wear out to lunch – not just to that knitting festival.” – Amy Herzog, Knit Stars Season 2 Raise your hand if you’ve ever cast on a sweater design just because everyone else on Ravelry was making it? If you finished it, how often did you…
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🧶The joy of the shift

Ghost Ranch Hat by Andrea Mowry, made by Sunnie. You need 1 skein Spincycle Dyed in the Wool + 1 skein Rowan Felted Tweed. Raise your hand if you remember your first skein of color-changing yarn!✋ In the early days of Loops, it was Noro Kureyon. The yarn was scratchy AF, but you didn’t care… Because the way…
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